Sunday, August 22, 2010


For every year or season, it seems to me like there's a theme.
In the past, I've written it out to remember it and think about it daily:

De aqui a poco...

Porque hecho esta.

As I'm starting a new school year, I was thinking, "What now, Lord?" And then, one day, God put in my heart and mind: New things. Nuevas cosas.

Aw! How awesome.
Confirmed? Yes, yesterday as I was walking out of my car in the mall's parking lot... How wild is that?
From little and basic things such as having new posters in my classroom, and throwing a whole bunch of stuff away that's not applicable to NOW, new things are coming my way... How exciting and awesome. Absolutely amazing.

With that, comes a learning process... But I'm sure that God will continue to make a way for me. Here I come, new school year!!! I'm reminded of those words in the Bible: "Do not fear." I might not be 100% ready as I'm always aiming for, but all things will work out because I love the Lord with all my heart. --Romans 8:28

PS: And no, I haven't quit facebook yet... Where's the "I'm outta here" button on that thing???


  1. You did too! I can't find you on there anymore! I hope that you've had great first days of school! I LOVE my newcomer class- it is so much fun and a great way to start winding down my day. I'm feeling overwhelmed by Skyward and writing two lesson plans. To top it off, my car is having issues for the third time in 2 weeks, so we are driving to Freer this weekend to borrow a car 'til we are all fixed up. Miss you and hope you are doing well!

  2. Thanks so much for stopping by! I'm so happy for your newcomer's class! Now, I want one!! Ok, maybe not.

    On another positive note, several students have come up to me asking about Ms. Lee! They were sad to see that you weren't there. :( That's always a good thing, I guess... To be missed. I'm sorry about your car, what a pain. I hope they're able to figure out whatever is wrong with it soon! Please know that you are missed and still loved in the good ol' 400-hall. :)

  3. I just knew it was this. If anyone has a question I can answer it. Maybe I will know some things.
