Saturday, August 8, 2009

Thing #15

First of all, if you get a chance, watch A Vision of Students on YouTube. OMG, wow! Yeah, not only is the teacher side of me intrigued by this BIG realization, but my normal, every day me, too! It makes you think of education in this country and in the world... and where we're heading in the future. How are classrooms going to look? Very different, that's for sure. I'll be telling kids 20 years from now, "I remember when I was a kid and we had dry erase boards... yep, those were the old days alright..." Ha! I'm telling you, it's making me think!! :) Did you get the same reaction I did? I'm curious to hear your thoughts... Give it up for Kansas State University, Spring Class of 2007.

And on with Thing #15

Discovery Exercise:
-Read two or three of the perspectives on Library 2.0 from the list below. Check.
-Create a blog post about your thoughts on any one of these. Library 2.0 - It's many things to many people. What does it mean to you? What does it mean for school libraries?

I agree with Rick Anderson from Away with "Icebergs." He says that

" can be equally disastrous when a
profession fails to acknowledge and adapt to
radical, fundamental change in
the marketplace it serves."

It's time for us as educators to continue developing our skills so that we can reach our students, our society, and prepare for what lies ahead. Our libraries need to continue to change and they're doing a great job. At least, my school library where I work, is absolutely phenomenal! Our librarian is amazing... and she does great things to help our students and adults (teachers, prncipals, counselors, staff, anyone over 18...) be up to date with technology, new education practices, and the library world! Cheryl, thank you! :)

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