Monday, October 19, 2009

Vacation @ Work

When needing a vacation from "work" @ work, consider this:
  • Signing up for the computer lab,
  • Visiting the library,
  • If you have an outdoor classroom available at your school, use it!
  • And if everything fails, switch your classroom for a day with another teacher... Especially if you have access to a classroom portible.

Life is lovely, as it should be, when you get to escape your every day routine outside of your classroom. How do I know? I'm at the computer lab all day today finding statistics on countries in Latin America. Yes, a wonderful demographics project that helps with benchmark concepts, use of technology in the classroom, and motivates students to learn in a different way than regular class... In other words, everybody is a winner with this plan! It's my first time @ the lab this year and this is what I have accomplished so far today with 1.5 hours still to go until the end of the day:

  • Checked email
  • Signed up for a mandatory ActivBoard training
  • Signed up for a substitute for that day...
  • Entered grades...
  • Checked today's assignments...
  • It's like I suddenly disappeared from the school, completely invisible... great feeling...
  • In every class period, taught a mini-lesson
  • The kids are "into it" :) and quiet!
  • Kept myself hydrated by drinking lots of water
  • Jammed to "Wait for Me" by Rebecca St. James - background music only, no vocals, as I've worked...
  • and wrote this post in my blog.

After a rough start to my Monday... Auditorium duty and unexpected parent conferences, this was the perfect "planned" lesson/day.

In conclusion, the lesson today is:
Sign up for the computer lab OFTEN !!! :)

And enjoy your stress-free, drama-free, noise-free, and interruption-free, very productive & successful day! Yes, I feel like life is beautiful right now... :) The grass is always greener at the end of the rainbow, and yes, that pot of gold is waiting for you @ the other side of the bridge... And so on... You get my point. Cloud 9 below... :)


  1. Yes, yes, yes!!! to everything in your post.

  2. I'll be signing up for the lab again for next semester!! I'll be in your office soon... :)
