Monday, August 9, 2010

11.5 - Thing #6 (2 in 1)

Getting my feet wet in Web 3.0 (through mobile devices)

iTouch Apps

1. I have played with educational apps such as WorldWiki, World Factbook, arts apps, history apps, games, and others. They are VERY helpful. Quick information at your fingertips.

2. List of ways to use the iTouch in the Library by multiple students (that is different than an iTouch being assigned to students)

  • Perfect for presentations (just connect it to the screen)
  • You can use it as a way for students to have easy access and retrieval of information
  • An iTouch can be used in an array of ways: From video, music, internet, email, google, calculator... to social networking sites like Facebook app, twitter, myspace, RSS feed, etc.
  • You can have each student take their picture for a project or contribute to it a class discussion by putting in their two cents in a Wiki, Ning, or Today's Meet.
  • The options are endless. Now, you can be anywhere and be connected to everyone at any time! : )

Additional info. on iTouches
A good video to watch is here on Cloud Computing, and a good article on what you can start doing with an iTouch, if you haven't had the chance to explore one already. You will get used to it in no time!

At the end of the year, I had the chance to work with iTouches in my class. Check out my posting here about that... :)

I am interested in exploring Feedbooks more later on my new, Moment phone. It's supposed to work just like the iPhone... We'll see.

I don't think I understand the part about:
Using Google as a *free* MobileMe alternative (with push contacts & calendar) Beau Giles

Also, to be considered later on my phone is How to get ebooks downloaded to your iPod.


Check out Stephen's Lighthouse for various articles on Library Trends. I was not able to find the article of "The Battle Continues" which gave information about the "history and accuracy of Wikipedia." -- Library2Play2

An article that was accessible is the one about Wikipedia ruling over Britannica, here.

The following are links having to do with Wikipedia.
Wikipedia Community Portal
What Wikipedia Is Not

I did not edit an article on Wikipedia at the moment. Maybe one day...

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