Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Notes that Warm a Heart

Forget Hallmark.
Last week, I received a thank you note from one of my friends and colleagues. Her little boy, Trip, just turned 1 !!! How awesome is that?! He's sooo precious. Gorgeous, little guy. He shares his food with everyone (including his dog), and was feeding me his yogurt treats when I went to give him his bday gift. :)

No, Trip is not related AT ALL to the Sarah Palin clan.
I loved the note so much, it's the one thing on my fridge right now... Aw, thank you, Trip! I love ya too, buddy! :)


  1. Yeah! Another blogger! My 23 Things/11.5 more things is
    I don't keep up with that one during the school year; maybe I should.

    Our family blog is:
    I was updating weekly, but then, someone had a birthday! I'm going to get back into when I get all of my pictures off of my camera (there's no room left on my school computer, so I have to download them from another computer at home.) Follow us there to keep in touch since you aren't a facebooker (yet!)

  2. Hahaha.... And, not going to be there anytime soon!! :) Since college, I've been practically begged to join (we're talking 2004 here) and more than ever, I don't think I will. But what do I know?! Tomorrow, it's a whole new day... Who knows, maybe I'll be wearing pink socks, Santa Claus might be coming to town, and SPAM might really be a fine meat after all... :)

    Thanks for sharing your blogs with me! I'm now following you guys... and can't wait to see all those pictures from your computer!! Especially of the Little Mister and his birthday bash!
