2. In addition, I believe that you shouldn't just post something like, "Wow, that's great!" -- I admit it, I'm guilty of that... But I didn't know any better! Now... Well, now I do. And I'm going to make sure that my comments are more thoughtful and actually tell the blogger something meaningful so they can continue doing what their doing... It's manners and etiquette. At least, that's the way I see it... What do you think?
3. I commented on 5 other blogs from our Library2Play site...
4. *Last Q that I need to answer... What drew me to comment on two blogs that are not part of our Library2Play class? First, I searched for cymbidium flowers using google blog search and found a blog for cymbidium photography and posted a message there. This new blog is Rachel's... She's one of the two sisters that manage all aspects of the business. I enjoyed seeing the great pictures and reading some awesome posts on faith, love, and hope.
Last but not least, my second random post outside of Library2Play, was here. If you get a chance, read this wonderful post titled: Sincerely, John Hughes. Yes, there's no way I can not comment on this... I grew up watching John Hughes' movies... My brother and I still laugh about crazy moments in some of his movies that happen to be some of our favorite on TV. I was deeply touched by such humanity that Mr. Hughes had, as described by the people that knew him. He was friends with Allison and they shared a real friendship, the kind that lasts no matter what... All I can say is that his movies influenced many, in and out of television. For instance, on Futurama ("The Luck of the Fryfish" episode), when Fry reads, "Here lies Philip J. Fry, named for his uncle, to carry on his spirit..." Do you recognize the song? Touching. Yep, it's the song from the Breakfast Club playing in the background, Don't you forget... by Simple Minds.
You are so creative, even your text is pretty! I can tell you really enjoy working with images. I love your word mosaics! It looks like you will add a lot of fun to your sixth grade classroom in the coming year with what you have learned in this project. I know I look forward to revisiting so many of these cool tools. I'm right in there with you on the home stretch to the deadline - we'll make it! P.S. My son really enjoyed John Hughes movies, too. He and his thought-provoking work will be missed.